夯發流體(航發流體)科技是一家專注電液流體成套設備、元件和工控模塊化解決方案的供應商。堅持走可持續發展的道路,技術隊伍已在流體行業服務了終端市場多年,我們創新性的解決方案為滿足用戶日益增長的流體需求將發揮著推動作用,專注服務于工業、機械冶金、能源電力等終端市場【Hangfa Fluid (Aero fluid) Technology is a supplier focusing on Electro-hydraulic fluid equipment, components and modular in**l control solutions. Adhering to the road of sustainable development, the technical team has served the terminal market for more than ten years in the fluid industry. Our innovative solutions will play a driving role in meeting the growing fluid demand of users, focusing on the terminal market of industry, mechanical metallurgy, energy and electricity】。