China. Shanghai Hao Bridge valve Co. Ltd.
電 話:021-24208910
手 機: 18964018911
聯系人:陳 工
中國.上海豪橋閥門一貫秉承科學發展理念,吸取消化國內外一切可借鑒的經驗,建立一支行業高技術,高素質,專業化管理隊伍并具備的管理體系和完善的生產工藝及各種國內外的檢驗檢測設備。豪橋公司主要生產的品種有氣動閥門、電動閥門、高壓閥門、高溫閥門、高溫高壓閥門、電站閥門、化工閥門、工業管道閥門、蒸汽閥門、消防閥門、建筑閥門、給排水閥門、液化氣閥門、天然氣閥門、高壓油田閥門、耐酸堿閥門、蝶閥、閘閥、截止閥、球閥、止回閥、減壓閥、柱塞閥、針型閥、放料閥、旋塞閥、底閥、排污閥、排氣閥、過濾器、呼吸閥、阻火器、疏水閥、保溫閥門、水利控制閥、衛生級閥門、玻璃鋼球閥、隔膜閥、各種進口閥門。閥門壓力:0.1-100.0Mpa 規格:DN2-DN3000。采用的標準除國家標準、行業標準外、還采用了德國標準(DIN)、日本標準(JIS) 、美國標準(API)、美國石油協會標準(ANSI)、英國標準(BS)等。
China. Shanghai Hao Bridge valve has consistently uphold the scientific concept of development, absorb the advanced experience of all reference digestion at home and abroad, to establish the high technology, high quality of an industry, professional management team and advanced management system and testing equipment advanced production techniques and various domestic and foreign. Howe bridge company mainly produces a variety of pneumatic valves, electric valves, high pressure valves, high temperature valves, high pressure valves, valve power plant, chemical industry pipeline valve, valve, steam valve, fire valves, valve construction, drainage valves, gas valves, gas valves, high pressure valve, oil valve, acid and alkali resistance butterfly valve, gate valve, globe valve, ball valve, check valve, relief valve, plunger valve, needle valve, discharge valve, plug valve, foot valve, drain valve, exhaust valve, filter, breathing valve, flame arrester, drain valve, heat preservation valve, hydraulic control valves, sanitary valves, ball valves, glass steel diaphragm valve, inlet valve. Valve pressure: 0.1-100.0Mpa specifications: DN2-DN3000. Using standard addition to national standards, industry standards, also adopted the German standard (DIN), Japanese standard (JIS), American Standard (API), American Petroleum Institute (ANSI), British Standard (BS).
Howe bridge company produces valve widely used in oil refining, chemical, fertilizer, paper, electric power, iron and steel metallurgy and fast coal chemical industry and other emerging industries development in recent years, the products are exported to many countries the Unite**tes, Europe, Central Asia, Africa etc..