價格: |
面議 |
起批量: |
1 件起批 |
區域: |
河北 保定 蓮池區 |
關鍵詞: |
生態護坡護岸模具 生態護坡模具 混凝土護岸護坡模 |
聯系人: |
王* 先生 |
在線交流: |
立即詢價查看聯系方式 |
護坡磚在很多的工程中都會用到,但是經常是在公路建設的時候用來做兩旁的山坡保護,或者是一些魚塘和公園的園林景觀建設時候用到,護坡磚主要是使用水泥和混凝土進行制作的,現在水泥和混凝土的價格便宜,購買渠道多種多樣。并且水泥和混凝土的選擇是非常多的,有著不同的強度,能夠符合不同的工程使用,一般來說選取混凝土的話,很多時候是會選擇c40型號的混凝土進行攪拌?;炷猎跀嚢璧臅r候需要用到的就是大量的清水和攪拌機,因為使用平鋪式生態護坡模具生產護坡磚的話,混凝土是會有很大的需求量的,如果是工人去攪拌的話非常容易出現攪拌不均勻的情況,結塊或者混合不均勻的情況等等,這些都是會影響到后來護坡磚的成品質量,之后將攪拌完成的混凝土澆筑進平鋪式生態護坡模具里面,進行震動、晾曬風干、之后就是脫模的工作,因為平鋪式生態護坡模具是能夠進行拆卸的,所以在拆模的時候非常的方便,能夠**護坡磚的完整。Slope protection brick is used in many projects, but it is often used for slope protection on both sides during highway construction, or for landscape construction of some fish ponds and parks. Slope protection brick is mainly made of cement and concrete. Now, the price of water mud and concrete is cheap, and there are various purchase channels. And the choice of cement and concrete is very many, with different strengths, which can meet different engineering use. Generally speaking, when selecting concrete, a lot of times, it will choose C40 type concrete for mixing. When concrete is mixed, a large number of clear water and mixers are needed, because there will be a great demand for concrete when using the flat ecological slope protection mold to produce slope protection bricks. If workers are mixing, it is very easy to have uneven mixing, lumping or uneven mixing, etc., which will affect the later formation of slope protection bricks Product quality: after that, the mixed concrete will be poured into the flat ecological slope protection mold for vibration, air drying and demoulding. Because the flat ecological slope protection mold can be disassembled, it is very convenient to remove the mold and ensure the integrity of the slope protection brick.
河北宏旭模具制造有限公司 |
聯系人: |
王* 先生 |
電話: |
手機: |
傳真: |
郵箱: |
1069252475@qq.com |
聯系地址: |
保定市蓮池區后辛莊村 |
郵編: |
小貼士: |