EN581檢測戶外家具EN581 EN581測試EN581報告 EN581檢測項目:
BS EN 581-1: 2006 outdoor furniture - seating and table for camping, domestic and contract use
Part 1: general safety requirements
BS EN 581-2:2009 outdoor furniture- seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract
use Part 2: mechanical safety requirement and test methods for seating 戶外家具露營,家用和公司用椅子和桌子-椅子機械安全要求和測試方法
Clause 6.2.1 General Safety Requirements一般安全要求(EN581-1) Clause 6.2.2 Stability Requirements穩定性要求(EN1022)
Clause 6.2.3Mechanical SafetyRequirements(Table1)機械安全要求(表1)1 Seat and Back Static Load Test 座位與靠背靜載測試2 Seat Front Edge Static Load Test 座位前端靜載測試
3 Seat and Back Fatigue Test for Seating 座位與靠背疲勞測試4 Fatigue Test on Back Rest Mechanism 可調節椅背疲勞測試**rm Downwar**tic Load Test扶手垂直靜載測試6 Arm Fatigue Test 扶手疲勞測試
7 Leg Forwar**tic Load Test 椅腿前向靜載測試8 Leg Sideways Static Load Test 椅腿側向靜載測試9 Seat impact test 座位沖擊測試
10 Foot Rail Static Test for High Seating 腳踏靜載測試
Annex B Test Methods and Requirements for Loungers(Table B.1)躺椅測試方法和要求(表B.1)1 Seat and Back Static Load Test座位與靠背靜載測試
2 Seat and Back Fatigue Test for Seating座位與靠背疲勞測試3 Fatigue Test on Back Rest Mechanism 可調節椅背疲勞測試4 Arm Downwar**tic Load Test 扶手垂直靜載測試**rm Fatigue Test 扶手疲勞測試6 Seat Impact Test 座位沖擊測試7 Lifting Test 提升測試
8 Sideways Stability側向穩定性9 Forwar**bility前向穩定性
Clause 7 Instruction for Use 使用說明書 Clause 7.1 General 通用標簽
Clause 7.2 Marking for Mobile Loungers 可移式躺椅的警告標簽
BS EN 581-3: 2007 outdoor furniture-seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract
use Part 3: mechanical safety requirement and test methods for tables
6.1 **General一般安全要求(EN 581-1)
6.2 Stability 穩定性
6.3 Vertical static load test 垂直靜態載荷測試
6.3.1 Vertical static load on the table top 桌面垂直靜態載荷測試
6.3.2 Vertical static load test on end extensions 延伸部分垂直靜態載荷測試
6.4 Horizontal fatigue test 水平疲勞測試
7 Instruction for use 使用說明書