營養代餐粉DL70生產加工設備 濟南廠家直供 多功能雙螺桿膨化機
技術參數 / Device parameters |
主機型號/Host Model |
DL56-III |
DL65-II |
DL70-II |
電源電壓/Power and voltage |
380V |
380V |
380V |
裝機功率/Installed Capacity |
74KW |
110KW |
166KW |
實耗功率/Power Consumption |
63KW |
90KW |
135KW |
生產能力/Production capacity |
120-150Kg/h |
150-180Kg/h |
180-220Kg/h |
生產線長/Production line length |
16m |
18m |
20m |
包裝/Package |
通用為普通包裝,根據客戶地區不同用普通或木箱包裝。 Universal for general packaging, depending on the location of the customers with an ordinary wooden box packaging. |
生產周期/Production period |
30-35天/30-35 days. |
港口/Port |
青島港/Qingdao Port. |
付款方式 Terms of payment |
*付30%定金,生產完成后驗貨,驗貨后付清余下款項后發貨。 30% deposit down payment,Checking goods after production is completed,The remaining amount paid after inspection . Then we shipped. |
說明/ Explain |
烤箱和拌粉機根據客戶的產品和產量的不同而配置不同的烤箱和拌粉機。 Oven and mixer with the powder to configure different oven and mix the powder machine according to customers" products and the production of different. |